Drug offences
Drug offences cover a wide range of scenarios and issues.
Whether it’s being pulled over and having a small quantity of cannabis, or being charged with a conspiracy to supply quantities of class A drugs, we are able to offer realistic and honest advice as to the best way of achieving the most favourable outcome.
Sometimes, you may be guilty but there are circumstances that you want the Court to know about when considering how to sentence you. Sometimes you may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and sometimes people find themselves forced into predicaments that they never thought would happen.
We have experience of preparing cases with a variety of different issues including duress, modern slavery and similar matters. We are also able to help you understand the often very complex evidence in these matters.
As technology becomes more prevalent in not only offending, but in investigating offences, the ways in which evidence is presented by the police can seem complex and hard to understand.
We deal with these matters regularly and are able to explain what evidence is relevant to the client and how this may be used in the case against them.