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Fraud and Financial Crime


It’s not just large financial institutions who can make serious mistakes about money. In a world where the way we make and manage our money has become more and more complex, it’s not surprising that ordinary people can find themselves facing accusations of fraud or dishonesty because they misunderstand or mistake how they should treat this area of their lives.

In an age where the internet has revolutionised the way we bank, shop and spend our leisure time, the law in relation to fraud and financial crime has had to change and grow in order to keep up. Facing a financial investigation can be overwhelming – something that can ruin reputations and often proves to be a complex minefield to negotiate. From mistakes on benefits and insurance claims to bounced cheques and problems over E-bay, allegations of fraud come in all shapes and sizes.

At St James, our solicitors have extensive experience of dealing with allegations of fraud and financial wrong-doing from the smallest to the largest cases involving local, national and even international investigations.


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